Morgan Treadwell
CGRM Center Advisory Board
Email: morgan.treadwell@ag.tamu.edu
Morgan Treadwell, Ph.D. is an associate professor and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension range specialist.
Her research and extension focuses on range management with priorities in grazing strategies and prescribed fire to optimize plant diversity, suppress brush, and maintain grassland and savanna systems. This work is producer-driven delivering meaningful applied research results to ranchers, landowners, and county extension agents.
Over the past eight years she has secured over $12M dollars in support of her research and extension programs through collaborative efforts.
Treadwell serves as co-coordinator for the monthly RWFM Stewardship Webinar Series used exclusively for county extension agent training and landowner outreach.
She leads four online schools and courses on AgriLife Learn and prioritizes summer prescribed burn schools offering two or more each year to landowners, county extension agents, county officials, and volunteer fire departments.