Animal Health and Wellness
The health and welfare of livestock is cornerstone to every successful ranching operation. Ranchers across the state expressed a need for more educational resources and programs regarding animal health issues. Ranchers also expressed a need for the development of new technologies to help control and limit the spread of diseases. Finally, more education opportunities are needed to enhance understanding and awareness of strategies to reduce input costs and increase the economic efficiency of their cow herd.
Challenge 1. Herd health impacts on productivity.
Our Approach: The Center will partner with the Texas A&M University School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and the Department of Animal Science to address animal health and productivity needs identified by the ranching community. Together, we will develop online training and organize in-person learning opportunities for interested producers. Additionally, research will focus on the development of more effective practices for controlling the spread of disease. Production efficiency of the cow herd will be addressed through in-depth case studies of successful ranching operations using Beef Cattle Standard Performance Analysis data and rancher interviews to comprehensively evaluate whole-ranch profitability.
Challenge 2. Opportunities for animal identification & traceability within the beef value chain.
Our Approach: The Center will partner with animal science faculty across the Texas A&M system to provide ranchers with opportunities to learn about animal identification options and the costs and benefits associated with implementing animal identification technologies. Additionally, educational resources will be provided on current traceability efforts in the industry to ensure ranchers stay well-informed on the topic.
Challenge 3. Opportunities for enhanced beef cattle efficiency genetics on grazinglands.
Our Approach: The Center will partner with Texas A&M animal science and Texas A&M AgriLife Research faculty to define protocols, processes and identifiable metrics associated with grazingland efficiency in beef and cow/calf operations across spatial environments. The Center will work collaboratively with partners to develop usable science and translatable applied outcomes informing management decisions impacting beef cattle genetic selection on grazinglands.